
Sunday, 19 August 2012

Antioxidants - Red fruit, yes !

Antioxidants are mostrly present on red fruits and these are fairly complete food and should be part of a balanced diet.

In addition to antioxidants, strawberries, raspberries or even blueberries are essential to maintain the line, youth and do wonders for your skin!
Undoubtedly, the eyes also eat. And when it comes to red fruit is really hard to look away from a glass of fresh juice or a fruit salad dyed black and red.
Far from being fruits of sin, the red berries bring numerous benefits to your health.
The purple tint comes from anthocyanin, a pigment associated with vitamin B1, responsible for the transformation of nutrients into energy. Naturally red fruits, particularly blueberry, blackcurrant and cherry, are the best source of antioxidants, that even when compared to other fruits and vegetables.
With the heart more protected, B vitamins (niacin), minerals, potassium and vitamin C, strengthen the protection of the health of the skin, nerves, kidneys and digestive tract.
The red color of strawberries or currants comes from Lycopene, a carotenoid (phytochemical) usually associated with vitamin C which aids in the prevention of prostate cancer.
The cianidine, is another benefit on red fruit which is on the skin of the fruit.


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